Sunday, June 27, 2010
Parting Shots

Posted by Patrick Dewey at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
I love soccer
Not really. Soccer is awful. If I wanted to see a bunch of effete metrosexuals running around, throwing tantrums, weeping and groping each other... well, yeah, I’d watch soccer. I saw some of the USA v. Slovenia game earlier today, and the only thing more embarrassing than the fact we tied is that my country participates in this histrionic nonsense at all. "But they came back from a 2 - 0 deficit!" Slovenia has a population of 2 million. I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that makes their World Cup team about 8% of the workforce.
If I were in charge of soccer, I would implement the following rule changes to make it less awful:
- No crying. Crying = red card.
- No post-goal celebrating. This rule can be temporary, until the culture of spazzing out like some emotionally-troubled tween has been purged from the soccer community. It’s a goal, not the cure for cancer – and it’s what you’re paid to do.
- No make-up. And players are required to have first and last names. I don’t know who the fuck “Ronaldo” is, but if he’s that transvestite with all the eyeliner, I’m not impressed.
- New position. One man on each team will assume the title of “striker” (which was misapplied before – the other guys are called ‘forwards’). Like goalies, strikers will abide by a separate rule set. Strikers will not be allowed to touch the ball, and if they do, they’re out for 5 minutes (regular players can, of course, eject the strikers by drilling them with the ball). Strikers are, however, allowed to tackle people. Same rules as rugby; must have the ball, at least one foot on the ground, no headshots.
- One fewer defender.
- Penalty kicks are awesome. Any infraction whatsoever within the goal box will result in a penalty kick.
- Goalies are also allowed to tackle people.
- New foul rules. If you have the ball, you’re fair game. Any attack by another player that can reasonably be assumed was directed at the ball is legal. This is a good idea because dangerous slide-tackles are awesome and would become commonplace. Furthermore, play does not stop for injuries. Guys who want to roll around on the group weeping are welcome to, but the game will continue.
- If you spread your arms open really wide and look confused or exasperated with something the referee says, the referee is allowed to punch you in the face.
Posted by Patrick Dewey at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Me > Nature
Made it to the top of Toubkal this time (see: previous failure). Apparently it’s easier to ascend things when they aren’t covered in ice. So, yeah; I’m pretty pleased.
The second day was exhausting – almost 4 hours straight up from the refuge, and then another 8 spent in various stages of semi-controlled falling back to the base. I made it back to Casablanca late that night and needed to brace myself against the handrails to make it up the stairs to my apartment. My knees feel like they were on the wrong side of a mobster gambling debt. Despite all that, I’d chalk this one up as a resounding success.
I ended up going with two backpackers I met on Saturday. Anthony was going to come, but anorexic girls aren’t allowed on the trail (some kind of liability thing). The backpackers – Mike and Bryan - were both in good shape though and we managed to harass one another into making fairly good time up the mountain. So aside from a lot of exhausted/awe-struck cursing, there wasn’t a whole lot of drama.

Actually... The mountain did try to murder us once. We were traversing a scree (loose rocks) field on the way down from the summit and two big rocks broke off a cliff above us. Pretty horrific timing to say the least, as Mike, Andy (a British guy we met) and I were all directly below them. One of the rocks ricocheted off to the side, but the second – a little smaller than a beach ball – came right for us. Seeing a rock that probably weighed 150 pounds bouncing six feet in the air and moving faster than a car barrelling down at you is disconcerting to say the least. Andy handled it best, in exceptionally English fashion:
“Heads up, lads.”
It was difficult to judge the rock’s path, so we were all stuck, standing in place, waiting for the last minute to gauge whether evasive action was necessary. Luckily, it bounced about four feet wide of Andy’s chest and fell harmlessly down a cliff.
So you had your shot, Nature. Had your shot and you missed.
Posted by Patrick Dewey at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Morocco
Seasonal Differences
I was going through my photos from my two trips up Toubkal, and a few of them are taken from similar angles. Kinda neat to see how much the landscape changes between April and June. (Full albums are on Facebook).
The Berber village at the trailhead:
The last valley before the refuge:
Posted by Patrick Dewey at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Morocco
Friday, June 11, 2010
Round Two
A few months back my buddy Jeff and I took a stab at summiting a little hill called J'bel Toubkal. We failed. Since I won't be going to Palestine, I have all of next week off to poke around in Morocco/Spain. Time for a rematch.

Posted by Patrick Dewey at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Routes
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

- 1.5 pounds of ground beef (approximately a baby's head size.
- Two fists-full of Mozzarella cheese
- 2 bottles of the shittiest red wine you can buy or shoplift
- 1 bottle of rum (dark and spicy are ideal, but when isn't it? -- take what you can get)
- Flour
- Yeast
- Butter
- Milk
- Tomatoes
- Egg
- Onions
- Apples
- Pears
- Red peppers
- Garlic
- Oregano
- Sprite
- Basil
- Cloves
- Whatever fruit and berries you can still afford after all the alcohol and meat
- Olive oil
- Cinnamon sticks
- Apple juice
- Black pepper
- 4 different kinds of hot sauce (to pour all over the pizza)
- Probably some other stuff, but whatever you've got on hand will probably work

Posted by Patrick Dewey at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cooking